David Kartchner

Weakly Supervised Learning: Most Interesting Papers from 2021

Weak supervision is a powerful way to build a ML model from scratch without any initially labeled data. This post is a running survey of recent papers in weakly supervised learning, especially where it intersects with active learning and semi-supervised learning.

Interactive Weak Supervision


This paper proposes an active learning strategy for identifying good labeling functions from a large set of candidate LFs based on LF-level user labels. The goal is to develop a model that can correctly select LFs with accuracy > r, where r > .5 for binary classification. It uses an ensemble of neural networks to estimate a distribution of accuracy for each LF candidate. It then prioritizes LFs via an acquisition function which prioritizes LFs with high variance and mean close to the decision boundary. LFs are represented purely by the points which they label.
This paper only considers binary classification.

More details

Latent variable model:

In order for this to work, we need to have some way of calculating accuracy scored \(\alpha_j\). We do so by setting \(p(\alpha_j | Q_{t-1})\) (i.e. the probability distribution of \(\lambda_j\)’s accuracy given what we know about the labeling functions in the set Q) as an ensemble of neural networks with input \(\lambda_j\). Each neural network induces a mapping \(h \rightarrow [0,1]\). The network specifically maps \(h( \tau ( \lambda_j ))\) where \(\tau_0 (\lambda_j) = [\lambda_j(x_1), ..., \lambda_j(x_n)]^T\), i.e. the vector of LF outputs of \(\lambda_j\) on all documents in the training corpus. We then project this using SVD/PCA to 150 dimensions, and call this projection \(\tau ( \lambda_j )\) . In other words, we featurize labeling functions as a projection of their output across the entire training set.

In order to find good points, we use the saddle acquisition function, which is: \(\phi_a^{LSE}(\lambda) = 1.96 * \sigma_j(Q_{t-1}) + |\mu_j(Q_{t-1}) - r|\) where \(\sigma_j(Q_{t-1})\) is the standard deviation of the probabilities of \(\lambda_j\) output by the bagging ensemble and \(\mu_j(Q_{t-1})\) is the mean probability output for \(\lambda_j\)

This identifies LFs which are unknown (e.g. high variance) and near the decision boundary (e.g. difference between mean score \(\mu_j\) and boundary \(r\) is small). This means that we will sample LFs that we think are good, but aren’t sure yet.



Active WeaSuL


This paper proposes active learning to supplement an existing set of labeling functions with useful data points. It has two main contributions:

  1. An active learning acquisition function which selects datapoints based on the LF “buckets” whose label model prediction in that bucket has highest KL-divergence the most from the average label of labeled subset in the same bucket. This is calculated as: $$KL_i(p||q) = p\ \text{log}(\frac{p}{q}) + (1-p) \text{log}(\frac{1-p}{1-q})$$

where \(p \in [0,1]\) is the probability assigned by the label model in that bucket and \(q \in [\epsilon, 1-\epsilon]\) is the probability of the average label in the bucket, adjusted to prevent divide-by-zero errors.

  1. A simple update to the label model objective to constrain it to more closely align with labeled datapoints in each bucket. This is obtained by augmenting the loss term on the label model with its MSE on the small, labeled subset of data points.



ASTRA: Self Training with Weak Supervision


ASTRA combines principles of self-supervised and semi-supervised learning to combine weak rules, a small amount of labeled data, and all unlabeled data into a more effective end-to-end model for weak supervision.


  1. Initial Student Model A student model is initially trained on the small labeled subset. It then creates an additional probabilistic labeling function by predicting the (soft of hard) labels for every instance in the data.
  2. Rule Attention After augmenting the rule set with the baseline student predictions, ASTRA learns a weighting of the rules. For each instance \(x_i\), each matched rule \(r_j\) receives a weight \(a_i^j \in [0,1]\). The rule \(r_j = {0,1}^K\) (i.e. the one-hot vector of the rule’s assigned label) is then interpolated with a uniform prior \(u = [\frac{1}{K}, \frac{1}{K}, ..., \frac{1}{K}]\) as \(s_i^j = a_i^j r_j + (1-a_i^j) u\). Rule weights are calculated as \(a_i^j = \sigma \Big(f(x_i) \dot g(r_j) \Big)\), where \(f(\dot)\) is a function that projects latent representation (emgedding) of \(x_i\) into the appropriate space, \(g(\dot)\) is a function that embeds an individual rule, and \(\sigma\) is the sigmoid function.
  3. Teacher Model The teacher model calcualtes an updated label for the data point as $$q_i = \sum_{j=0}^{|R|} \frac{s_i^j}{|R_i| + 1}$$

Note that here, \(s_i^0\) corresponds to the predictions of the old student model and \(R_i\) is the set of matched rules on instance \(x_i\)

  1. Training For training, ASTRA fine-tunes the student model on the labeled data and the teacher labels from the previous iteration. It then updates the teacher model using the improved student. All parameters (including source attention) are learned from document-level supervision: $$L = -\sum{(x_i, y_i) \in D_L} y_i log(q_i) - \sum_{x_i \in D_U} q_i log(q_i)$$





WeaSEL postulates that the approach of training a label model followed by a downstream model is ineffective because it (1) requires restrictive assumptions interactions between labeling functions and (2) isn’t able to learn from the downstream model it is meant to train. It proposes a fix for this by learning instance-dependent LF aggregation weights and jointly optimizing these with a downstream neural network model.


Assumptions Assume access to a set of labeling functions \(\Lambda\) and data (x, y). Each labeling function outputs a one-hot vector corresponding to the class is votes for. We assume no access to labeled data. We assume two different models that interact: (1) a rule encoder e that takes as input x and \(\Lambda\) and outputs an aggregates rule probability and (2) a downstream model f that takes x as input and predicts the label based on these input features. In the paper, both e and f are MLPs. The model’s components and training are described below.

  1. Rule Aggregator \(e\) We aggregate LFs at an instance-specific level using a softmax with temperature. First, we obtain unnormalized scores for each LF as:

    \(\theta(\Lambda, x) = \tau_2 \text{softmax}(e(\Lambda, x) \tau_1)\)

    The final probabilistic prediction then becomes:

    \(y_e = \text{softmax}(\theta(\Lambda, x)^T \Lambda)\)

    i.e. the softmax of the weighted sum of LFss. Note that in practice, \(\tau_1 \leq \frac{1}{3}\) and \(\tau_2=\sqrt{m}\). \(\tau_1 < 1\) smooths the softmax to more closely resemble the uniform distribution and \(\tau_2 > 1\) sharpens the final aggregation of LFs.

    In the paper, they describe the Rule Aggregator as using a neural network to reparameterize the posterior label model probability produced by the Markov Random Field used in the Snorkel papers.

  2. They train \(e\) and \(f\) using a semi-supervised inspired loss: $$L = CE(y_e, stop_grad(y_f)) + CE(y_f, stop_grad(y_e))$$ That is, each model is trained to mimic the logits produced by the other.


The authors claim that using WeaSEL enables their model to effectively differentiate between 1 accurate LF and many other garbage LFs (which are generated programmatically as random noise). However, these claims seem exaggerated unless they are adding each noisy source 1 at a time. If this is the case, the algorithm could be useful in cases where weak supervision sources are generated programatically.

