Archive of all of my blog posts, papers, projects, etc.
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of Biomedical Entity Linking Models papers
- Literature-Based Discovery to Elucidate the Biological Links between Resistant Hypertension and COVID-19 papers
- Zero-Shot Information Extraction for Clinical Meta-Analysis using Large Language Models papers
- BioSift: A Dataset for Filtering Biomedical Abstracts for Drug Repurposing and Clinical Meta-Analysis papers
- Understanding the Link Between COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease by Text Mining Biomedical Literature papers
- Rule-Enhanced Active Learning for Semi-Automated Weak Supervision papers
- Exploring Optimizations to HeteSim for Computing Relatedness in Heterogeneous Information Networks papers
- Weakly Supervised Learning: Most Interesting Papers from 2021 blog
- Deep Learning System for Labeling Neurology Text for Predictive Medicine papers
- Biomedical Text Link Prediction for Drug Discovery: A Case Study with COVID-19 papers
- Weakly Supervised Learning: Most Interesting Papers from 2021 blog
- ReGAL: Rule-Generative Active Learning for Model-in-the-Loop Weak Supervision papers
- Denoising Multi-Source Weak Supervision for Neural Text Classification papers
- Literature Based Discovery of Comorbid Hematological Conditions in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors papers
- Unsupervised Ranking of Treatment-Related Infection Risk Factors in Pediatric Acute Leukemia papers
- Repurposed Drug Identification for COVID-19 using Literature Relationships and Knowledge Graphs papers
- Machine Learning Methods for Diease Prediction with Claims Data papers
- Short-Term Elevation of Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Acute Lower Respiratory Infection papers